Park Home Living: The Heart of A Community
Redlands Park, situated in the beautiful backdrop of Warwickshire, is a Residential Park for the over 55’s
that has a wonderful community spirit at the very heart of the park.
Close-Knit Community
With an overwhelming sense of pride, support and care across the park, the residents always know they have someone to rely on or call on for a helping hand when needed, with a close-knit support network of friends that have quickly become family.

Social Events and Fundraising Success
Providing a variety of social events for all the residents to enjoy, whilst raising funds for others in need, the Redland’s Residents Association and the Community Library has been instrumental in facilitating the fantastic work within the Redlands Park Community. Together, the Redlands Community have raised a tremendous £2,500 in the last year, a milestone achievement which they’ve recorded in a photo album to look back at the memories made.

Transforming Lives
From the weekly library where residents can exchange books, have a catch up, enjoy delicious cakes and donate to support the Park’s chosen charity, to coming together to make 500 beautiful poppies to hang on their beautifully crafted Remembrance Wall, Redlands Park has made it to the local newspaper for all their admirable work. It really has changed the lives of many of its residents.

Find Out More About Living in Our Residential Park Homes
If you’re looking for a change in lifestyle, a support network you can rely on, or a 55’s plus community you can be part of whilst enjoying retirement to the full, visit our website, call 01789 299492 or email residential@avon.staging.pitched.co.uk to find out more.