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Embrace the unexpected at Welford Chase

We understand that not everyone is cut out for sitting around at home all day; some people want to get out there and have a little fun! 


That is why we are so proud of our location here at Welford Chase. If you are one of the adventurous members of your family, or simply just young in spirit, we know you will appreciate it. Whoever said retirement was just sitting around clearly never looked outside their window at all the fantastic opportunities on offer once you are free from the shackles of a  9-5. 

We are based just on the edge of one of the most picturesque villages around, famous for the tallest maypole in England. With its three pubs, a shop, a post office, a wonderful butcher, and a main bus route, we are in a perfect location for those wishing to escape city life and become part of a unique and lively village community.


We promised you adventure, so here it is. 


Why not try wild water swimming in the River Avon. Freed from the thermal and neoprene protection of a very tight wetsuit, the cold water immersion provides a sense of elation and relaxation, releasing vast amounts of endorphins, soothing muscle aches, relieving depression, and boosting the immune system. Some people compare it to the fountain of youth, but we just think it’s fun! It’s also an incredibly convenient way to explore the countryside, with no kit to drag around.


 If that is not entirely to your taste, how about something more relaxed? 


Maybe the stunning fishing opportunities on your doorstep are more to your fancy? 


Just south of Barton Road and owned by Welford Parish Council lies Cress Hill. As well as being a diverse wooded site with picnic spaces and expansive views, it now also offers an opportunity for angling. As part of the Cress Hill regeneration project, four new fishing stations are in installation, along with a safe access path to the river bank. From this, Welford on Avon Angling club has been born open to those of all ages and abilities.


 Live life on the river and go with the flow, see wildlife such as native ducks and swans along with their families, or take in the gentle hum of boats passing by. 


 If you fancy a dry day, there are still plenty of options. Why not try  Welford on Avon Cricket Club, just a two-minute walk from Synder Meadow, or perhaps Welford on Avon Bowls Club, with its extensive facilities – in Mill Lane off Headland Road.


For the ladies, Welford Wives is always looking for new members, and it’s the perfect opportunity to make new friends. The group was set up over 50 years ago by local residents, some of whom are still members. It was called ‘Young Wives’ in its early days, and we believe it still should be. They meet up on the first Wednesday each month in the evening for a pre-arranged chat, visit or activity followed by coffee/tea.


 For the creatives, the Welford Art Group have been painting together in Welford Church Rooms every Tuesday for the past 20 years, with bi-annual exhibitions of their works of which a percentage of the profits go to charity.

Retirement is the first time in life where time no longer equals money, so enjoy every second of it, surrounded by a community of people who feel the same way here at Welford Chase.

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